Publikációs lista

Jászay Tamás


T. Jaszay: Optimal Gas Turbine Cycles for Topping Furnaces.

                        Energy and Technology:

                        Sustaining World Development into the Next Millenium

                        Vol 4. pp 501 - 514

                        World Energy Council. London - Houston 1998.



Jászay T.: Az üvegházhatás globális energetikai kapcsolatai.

                        Az éghajlat változékonysága és változása. II. 35 – 45 p.

                        Országos meteorológiai Szolgálat, Budapest 1991.


Á Bakay – T. Jászay: High Performance jet Condensers for Steam Turbines

                        Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference, Toronto, 1978

                        General papers Vol. 2. 61 – 65 p.


T. Jászay: jet Condensers in Geothermal Power Generation.


budapest, 1978.


T. Jászay – T. Környey: Mathemetical Modelling and Simulation of

Natural Gas Processing Systems.


Tokyo, 1979.


T. Jászay - L. Faletti: Rational use of Energy in Agriculture.

                        13. Congress os the World Energy Conference,

Cannes 1986. Position Paper WG 4.1. 1 – 27 p.


Jászay T.:        Biomassza:Válságtényező, vagy az energia – körnewzet probléma

hosszútávú megoldásának egyik eszköze ?

                        ENERGIA 88. pp. 61 - 67

                        Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Hő- és Rendszertechnikai Intézete. Budapest 1988.


T. Jászay: Carbon Emission Control in Hungary:

                        Case Study to the Year 2030.

                        Battele Memorial Institute, Pacfic Nothwest Laboratories 1990


T. Jászay: Carbon Emission Control in Hungary:

                        Case Study to the Year 2030.

                        US Environmental Protection Agency & US Department of Energy. 1990.

                        (DE-AC06-76RLO 1830)


T. Jászay: Energy in Eastern Europe.

                        Energy in Global and Domestic Perspective 20- 21 p.

                        The Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

                        Washington D.C. 1991.


T. Jászay: Carbon Emission Control in Hungary:

                        Case Study to the Year 2030.

                        Battele Memorial Institute, Pacfic Nothwest Laboratories 1990


T. Jászay: Carbon Emission Control in Hungary:

                        Case Study to the Year 2030.

                        US Environmental Protection Agency & US Department of Energy. 1990.

                        (DE-AC06-76RLO 1830)


T. Jászay: Energy in Eastern Europe.

                        Energy in Global and Domestic Perspective 20- 21 p.

                        The Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

                        Washington D.C. 1991.


A. Lévai - T. Jászay: Present and Future Power Systems in Eastern Europe:

                        The Possibilities of a Broader Cooperation.

                        Energy and the Environment in the 21st Century. pp 595 - 600

                        The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, London, 1991.


D. Oesterwind – R. Irmscher - T. Jászay: Changing Energy Management in Eastern Europe.

Proceedings of the 15. Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics. 1992. Vol.C, 37 – 44 p.


T. Jászay: Carbon Emission Control in Hungary:

                        Case Study to the Year 2030.

                        US Environmental Protection Agency & US Department of Energy. 1990.

                        (DE-AC06-76RLO 1830)


T. Jászay: Energy in Eastern Europe.

                        Energy in Global and Domestic Perspective 20- 21 p.

                        The Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

                        Washington D.C. 1991.


A. Lévai - T. Jászay: Present and Future Power Systems in Eastern Europe:

                        The Possibilities of a Broader Cooperation.

                        Energy and the Environment in the 21st Century. pp 595 - 600

                        The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, London, 1991.


D. Oesterwind – R. Irmscher - T. Jászay: Changing Energy Management in Eastern Europe.

Proceedings of the 15. Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics. 1992. Vol.C, 37 – 44 p.


T. Jászay: A Framework for Reshaping Energy Industry in Economies in Ttransition:

The European Energy Charter.

Proceedings of the conference on Energy and environment in European Economies in

Transition. 185 – 188 p.

OECD/International Energy Agency, Paris, 1992.


T. Jászay: Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects.

                        EECH/A3/pp. 1 – 24.

                        Protocol of the Energy Chater Treaty.

                        Brussels/Lissabon 1994.



Jászay T.: Az üvegházhatás globális energetikai kapcsolatai.

                        Az éghajlat változékonysága és változása. II. 35 – 45 p.

                        Országos meteorológiai Szolgálat, Budapest 1991.


Jászay T.: The European Energy Charter and the Countries in Transition.

                        Perspectives in Energy. 1995. Turpion Moscow.


Jászay T.: Az energetika globális átalakulása.

Beszámoló az IAEE - MET nemzetközi konferenciáról

                        Magyar Energetika 1996. 4. szám 9- 10 old.


T. JÁSZAY: Global Energy Outlook

                        JOURNAL IDEAS No6 , October 1999.   pp 44-47.

                        WFEO Committe on Education and Training, Paris.



T. Jaszay: Statement in the Panel Discussion, Session 5.

Integration and Synthesis - Recommendations for the TAR and Implications for Writing Teams.

IPCC Expert Meeting on Costing Issues for Mitigation and Adaptation to the Climate Change

GISPRI, Tokyo, June 29  - July 1. 1999.



E. Jochem, T. Jászay,  et al. : World Energy Assesment  pp. 173 - 217

                        Chapter 6. : Energy End-Use Efficiency

                        United Nations Development Program,  New York , NY,  2000.


T. jászay: Lining up to the EU in Energy, Transportation and Environment Policy: A challenge

to Accessing Countries.

                        Die Union 2000/4  pp 49-61. Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in

                        Österreich, Wien.


Jászay T.: Energiahatékonyság a fenntartható fejlődés kulcsa

                        IX.  Gázipari Szakmai Napok 2001. kiadványa.  pp. 23-27.

                        DUNAGÁZ Rt., Dorog,  2001.


E. jochem – A. Adegbulugbe – B. Aebischer – s. bhattacharjee – I. gritsevich – g. januzzi – t. Jászay – b. b. saha – e. worRelL – zhou fengqi:

                        WORLD ENERGY ASSESMENT. Chapter 6. Energy End-use Efficiency.

                        UNDP, UN-DESA, WEC.

© 2000. UNDP, NEW YORK.              


W. R. moomaw - j. r. moreira - k. blok - d. l. greene - k. gregory -

T. Jászay - t. kashawagi - m. levin - m. mcFARLAND - N. S. PRASAD - L. PRICE -


                        Technologigal and Economic potential of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction.

                        Third Assesment Report of the Intergovernmental

panael on climate change, 2001.

cambridge university press, cambridge,    uk, 2001.


Moomaw, W. R., J. R. Moreira, K. Blok, D. Greene, K. Gregory, T. Jaszay, T. Kashiwagi, M. Levine, M. MacFarland, N. S. Prasad, L. Price, H. Rogner, R. Sims, F. Zhou, E. Alsema, H. Audus, R. K. Bose, G. M. Jannuzzi, A. Kollmuss, L. Changsheng, E. Mills, K. Minato, S. Plotkin, A. Shafer, A. C. Walter, R. Ybema, J. de Beer, D. Victor, R. Pichs-Madruga, H. Ishitani. 2001. Technological and Economic Potential of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction. Chapter 3 in Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations and World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. Working Group 3. Contributing Author. LBNL- 47922


T: Jászay : Energy and the International Community at the Turn of the XXI. Century.

prceedings of the 6th international confrence on heat engines and environmental protection. isbn 963420 764 2 pp. 15-21


jászay T.: Energetika: ok és okozat.

                        TERMÉSZET VILÁGA (Természettudományi Közlöny 135. évfolyam)

2004. II. Különszám. pp. 74 - 78


jászay T.:   A globális carbon ciklus és a CO2  kereskedelem.

                        www.  2005.


T. jászay : To What Extent Can the Energy Industry Made Responsible for Climate Change.

                        Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Heat

Engines and Environmental Protection. 2005.

ISBN 963 420 840 1


Gadó J.– jászay T. – Schiller R. – Zoletnik S.:


1.2 fejezet 5 – 39 old., 2.2 fejezet 64 – 87 old.

MTA KFKI Atomenergia Kutatóintézet (AEKI-MEH-2005-211-00-01)


Gadó J.– jászay T. – Schiller R. – Zoletnik S.:



A Magyar Tudomány a Gazdaságért és a Társadalomért. 44 – 59 old.

MTA ISSN 1786-254X


T. jászay : Biomass: Its Present and Future Role in Mitigating Climate Change.

                        Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Heat

Engines and Environmental Protection. 2007. pp 37 - 42

ISBN 978 963 907 2


jászay T. A biomassza jelenlegi és jövőbeli szerepe a klímaváltozás csillapításában.

magyar energetika 2007/4 pp.33 - 37


jászay T.: Az energiahatékonyság és a megújulók versenye a klímívédelemben.

                        MTA „Energiaellátás a 21. században” Konferencia sorozat 2009.

                        Energiahatékonyság és Energia takarékosság Konferencia.

                        MTA 2009. március 26.